
About Me

I'm a graduate of Art Center College of Design in 2001. Since then, I have done art for fashion, toys, television, and games. Clients have included Hasbro, Disney Adventures, LA Zoo, New Wave Entertainment, Humunculus, Ayzenberg, Drunknmunky,GP Star, DayNa Decker, Iams, and Informed. More recently, I have been working in games. Started at Riot Games at its infancy in 2007. Worked there for nearly 3 years developing character and environment concepts, environment modeling, VFX, and Ui. Currently I am working in mobile as the art lead for HiddenVariable Studios where I am in charge of the art department.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Little Red Riding Hood Project

Here are paintings from Little Red Riding Hood Project I've been working on for the past few months. Trying to chip away at it a little bit every morning before I go in to the ole' game studio.

More will be posted soon.

Original Black and White Comp Study

Original Black and White Comp Study

Original Black and White Comp Study

Earlier Value Comps

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